Life Coaching Insights from AI: Using Feedback and Exploration for Growth

How AI is self-improving using proven coaching methods.

Nerd Alert: I find the development of AI fascinating (it’s taking over some of my voiceover jobs, but I digress.) - I came across this research paper discussing a concept called “Socratic Learning,” a method for recursive self-improvement in artificial intelligence systems.

Yes, I used AI to condense the article for me (who has time to read the whole thing!?) - and I saw a connection to coaching: AI is “self-improving” using coaching methods.

“The paper compares Socratic Learning in AI to a self-coaching process, where the system improves by interacting with itself through “language games.” These games are structured conversations or tasks in which the AI practices using language to evaluate, refine, and expand its abilities. Similar to how a coach might guide a client to explore their thoughts, challenge assumptions, and generate insights through dialogue, the AI uses these games to create feedback loops for growth without needing outside input. In coaching, this concept could inspire tools like self-reflective journaling prompts or guided question frameworks, helping clients generate their own breakthroughs. It highlights the importance of feedback, exploration, and structured challenges to foster open-ended improvement, whether in AI or personal development.”

The big takeaway is that growth, whether in AI or humans, requires a balance between self-reflection and external input.

A closed system can foster improvement through structured feedback loops and exploration, but it risks stagnation without fresh perspectives or challenges. For humans, the key is actively seeking diverse experiences and feedback while cultivating tools for self-directed learning, enabling continuous and well-rounded growth.

….. the more you know …..

Now, back to your regular programming….

Oh, and if you’re up for reading educational research papers, click here to be taken to the original document.

Jessica Lewis

Jessica is a voiceover artist, leadership coach, entrepreneur, and hobby macro photographer.

Most importantly, she’s a wife & mom of 3, living a simple, beautiful life in northwest Pennsylvania.

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